Religion has failed on crime
THE EDITOR: Much of the blame for the crime problem we are facing today can be placed at the feet of religion. Religion, as an important social institution, has not and cannot deliver on its promise.
It supposed to assist in the prevention and deterrence of crime by bringing the fear of God into people who are considering committing or have committed a crime. Too many of us today see crime as a viable option and have no problem engaging in this behaviour. In fact, to many it’s justified.
Religion is preaching to the converted. To what extent does religion really go down in the trenches and deal with potential and existing criminals? Very little. Has religion lost its moral compass and missionary purpose?
Also, to what extent does religion assist victims of crime? Or, does religion say that criminals, like law-abiding people, have free choice to commit crime? Does a victim have free choice to be a victim too? Why does God “intervene” sometimes and not all times? Is it that criminals have no fear of God? Has religion lost its purpose in today’s society?
Then, what will replace religion in dealing with crime? Would promoting moral values make any difference? Who has the moral authority to do so? The politician, the education system, the family, the community, the media?
The question now is: where do we start this new battle against crime as religion has failed us? We cannot pray ourselves to safety and security.
KEVIN RAM via e-mail
"Religion has failed on crime"