Invest in TT young also

THE EDITOR: Our Prime Minister visited China hoping to strengthen ties with that country. Additionally, he took time to meet with young people in business and encourage them the seek opportunities in TT.

Being a small, open economy, TT would gain from a fruitful relationship with those at the helm of the soon to be world’s largest economy. However, as a millennial in business and finance, I could only feel like an unwelcomed child whose parent would rather direct their attention elsewhere.

The source of my grievance is that young people, more than ever, need mentors and role models to nurture them to be the future leaders of a brighter tomorrow. Yet it’s truly hurtful to see Dr Rowley “place an arm around the shoulders” of those bright minds in China, as so many young people right here in TT will fail to reach similar potential without the guidance of our elders, whose positions we will one day fill.

With local business suffering due to greater competition from places like China, it would be best for Rowley to redirect his attention to the people who would keep the money on these shores and at the same time seek the best interests for the country, in harmony with our trade partners.

Investing in business means investing for the future, and in the future generation.


TARIQ KHAN, Washington DC


"Invest in TT young also"

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