Carrington to collaborate with US-based group on health care

Health Secretary Dr Agatha Carrington has promised to collaborate with the Trinbago Progressive Association of the USA Inc on primary care, for children and elderly, through a Memorandum of Understanding, a news release from the Health Division said.
Carrington, who delivered the feature address at the Association’s 24th Annual Awards Luncheon on May 6 in New York, and shared greetings on behalf of Chief Secretary Kelvin Charles and the THA Executive Council, and the Executive Council of the THA, said the MOU will be at the level of the Executive Council so as to formalise arrangements for outreach healthcare activities and services to the Tobago population.
In her address, Carrington commended the Association for its work over the past years with the THA and said that data collected by the Association has been used to assist in planning services and interventions.
The Division also reported that Carrington received several awards at the event in recognition of her accomplishments and work in the health sector. These awards included the Humanitarian Ambassadorial Award for work in the Health Sector, 43rd District of the City of New York Award for work in the Health Sector and The Assembly State of New York Award for work in the Health Sector.
The release said the Association was founded by the late Dr George Oliver Phillips and is incorporated in the State of New York as a not-for-profit non- governmental organisation. Governmental Organization. The Division said the Association has, over the years, sponsored teams of healthcare professionals and other volunteers on medical outreach trips to Trinidad and Tobago.
The Awards Luncheon was to raise funds to help finance the Association’s 2018 medical mission to Tobago, scheduled for July 15-29.
"Carrington to collaborate with US-based group on health care"