UNC wasnot readyfor that debate

THE EDITOR: As a UNC supporter I continue to watch in dismay the inability of the party to fully capitalise on the blunders by the Dr Keith Rowley-led PNM.

Rowley has virtually handed the next election to the UNC as a result of fumble after bumble.

The UNC’s stocks have risen exponentially, not as a result of hard political groundwork but due to the continued and sustained ineptitude of the Rowley administration.

The absence of real leadership decisions and planning which define the UNC will however, I fear, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

I point to the sorry and sad turnout for the protest against Minister Rohan Sinanan, coupled with the abysmal contribution of the lead debater in the no-confidence motion against Sinanan, Suruj Rambachan.


The UNC appeared to have not prepared for either the debate or the protest.

Instead it gave the PNM, on a platter, the opportunity to boast about its achievements and reinforce the perception of UNC corruption.

I am glad however that the Leader of the Opposition did manage to show up – and on time as well – for the debate.

If the UNC is serious about winning the next election it must come better. It is imperative that it starts the strategic planning process for 2020.

RAMDASS via e-mail


"UNC wasnot readyfor that debate"

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