David celebrates birthday with fans

Under the Trees at The Normandie was on ‘fire’ on Saturday with soca music so much so that the Fire Service officers on duty requested that no more patrons should enter.
David Michael Rudder was celebrating his 65th birthday with a concert like no other.The atmosphere was electrifying, the musicianship was superb and Rudder had his subjects under his spell. They were in a world of their own.
Patrons young and old sang along with Rudder making his on-stage chorus seem non existent. Tribute fans said should be paid to the many musicians led by Wayne Bruno for a fantastic job. Rudder sang just about 60 songs from his body of work accumulated over his 50-plus years in the business.
The crowd roared at the sound of Rudder’s voice on Lord Nelson’s Ah Going and Party Tonight as he came on stage. He had his subjects on familiar ground while singing Caribbean Party, Children of the Front line, Rally Round the West Indies, Haiti, Panama and Ganges and the Nile.
Rudder included his 90’s composition about Trinidad and Tobago I Will Always be there For You (made popular) by Melanie Hudson and every body in the audience sang.
Rain threatened to interrupt the festivities on two occasions as if to put out the fire but patrons did not move, some simply pulled out their umbrellas and continued dancing. Rudder then sang Power of the Song in tribute to Lord Kitchener and Diane Holdip a fan he said would have been in front the stage singing every line to every song.
The crowd went silent when Rudder performed Tuesday Night Lover, It’s Only Natrual and Fire Queen with Michael Low Chew Tung (Ming) on keyboard and Jeremy Ledbetter on melodica.
Rudder got a little surprise when the audience started singing Happy Birthday and two men came on stage carrying a birthday cake which he stuck with the Joelle Phillips, brand manager of Kiss Baking Company.
He then took the audience on a journey with songs like, Long time Band, Bacchanal Lady, Permission to Mash Up the Place, Live Yuh Life and High Mas. Pannist Dane Gulston made a guest appearance in the latter part of Rudder’s performance.
Before Rudder Madge Blackman and her band kicked off the concert, she was well received for her performance of Survivor, Be, her father’s (Ras Shorty I) Watch out my Children and her 2018 hit Full of Vibes.
A loud roar emanated from the audience as young singing sensation Turner kicked off the second half of the show with She Bad causing.. He continued with Holding On and Champions and had the younger patrons in the audience singing along with him.
"David celebrates birthday with fans"