Gopee-Scoon: Opposition disingenuous on property tax

Paula Gopee-Scoon
Paula Gopee-Scoon

Government Senator and Minister of Trade and Industry Paula Gopee-Scoon criticised members of the opposition for inconsistencies in their stance on property tax and local government reform, during Tuesday’s Senate debate on Property Tax. Responding to concerns raised by Opposition Senator Saddam Hosein, over fears of business closure, with respect to proposed property tax amendments, Gopee-Scoon said government has been supportive of the business community through incentives, allowances and tax exemptions. She added that while government has continued to work alongside and encourage entrepreneurs, the opposition has been inconsistent with its support of property tax legislation and accused members of “flip-flopping” on the issue.

“We’ve heard the commitment from the chambers of commerce, the business associations and the Archbishop of TT. This government has acted very responsibly towards all sectors of business in terms of fiscal incentives, import duty concessions, approved allowances to the manufacturing and agriculture sector. “With former Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar there was a clear instance of property tax where she told reporters that she would not introduce property tax, but then said she had given instructions for a Bill to be drafted that would clearly take the land and building taxes prior to 2010. This is nothing more than deception from the UNC.”

Gopee-Scoon also said that persons over the age of 60 should be made to pay property tax as well.

However Opposition Senator and attorney Gerald Ramdeen hit back at Gopee-Scoon during his contribution, saying that government itself has been inconsistend with its stance on property tax legislation. Referring to the Parliament’s Hansard during a 2009 sitting, he asserted that while in opposition, Dr Keith Rowley criticised a flat rate of property tax.

“How can you tell the people who are living in fishing ponds, how can you tell them to pay the same property tax that those in Westmoorings, Maraval and Gulf View to pay? The people in Icacos cannot get water, but you want them to pay the same property tax?”



"Gopee-Scoon: Opposition disingenuous on property tax"

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