Teacher’s regret

THE EDITOR: Wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever job you are doing, you’ve got to thank your teachers for getting there.

We taught you to read, to write, to count, to spell, to reason and be critical thinkers. We taught you to discern right from wrong, and to uphold and abide by strong, positive, moral and ethical values and conduct. We served you so that you could be successful in whatever you chose to do and serve your fellow men in return. We taught you to compete in friendly rivalry and help those in need, so that there could be justice and equity for all and make the world an enjoyable place.

But you have failed us badly in your quest for power and self-aggrandisement. You betrayed our trust in you that you would use your knowledge for the benefit of those around. Instead, egotism and practical chicanery have overcome your mental faculty, resulting in avarice and nepotism.

We grieve when we see you being influenced by the power of the wallet and the holster. All the shady dealings, conspiracies and deceitfulness that plague the high offices of the leaders of our nation, provide good material for entertaining dramatic theatrical productions.

We are the only country in the world with no overt display of racism nor religious conflict. Yet we harbour innate dislike for each other which manifests itself in our political preferences and dissertations.


Why can’t we practise what we preach and uphold the noble ideals of our national watchwords, motto, and anthem? Our nation’s leaders need to prove they are worthy of the positions in which we put them.

W BAKSH, Marabella


"Teacher’s regret"

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