Cultural Police coming

THE EDITOR: The recent discourse prompted by the buggery law demonstrated very clearly that the populace at large, including leaders of certain churches, are quite ignorant of the true facts regarding homosexuality. I have even heard a father say that if he had found out that his son was gay, he would kill him.

He was quite serious. And this is the twenty-first century, when we face extinction by erratic leaders who can press the nuclear button in a matter of a split second.

In my early teens, I discovered that, although I was very friendly with both sexes, I was strongly attracted to few individuals of my own sex. I was very distressed that I could be abnormal and went to every church I could find to ask God to change me. It was absolutely useless. So much for the nonsense that gays are not born so, but choose this lifestyle because they are evil.

One day I approached a boy in my high school, who I had a crush on, and who I also suspected of being gay. I was severely rebuffed and actually contemplated suicide. But I had learned my first lesson. All gays are not promiscuous.

Some years later I went abroad to study and discovered that I was not uniquely weird as I was made to think, but merely a member of a minority group. I became friendly with heterosexuals, who were mainly interested in the opposite sex, bisexuals, who were equally comfortable with both sexes, and homosexuals, who were attracted only to the same sex.


And there were all human types of people in each grouping. Some of the biggest sporting stars in my college were avidly pursued by hordes of very willing females and took full advantage of it. At the same time they had more secret same sex affiliations. There were also the very religious individuals who were extremely devout and who had very private sex lives that few people knew about.

As I matured and became more knowledgeable, I came to realise that all homosexuals do not indulge in anal sex and that a few heterosexuals do. There are other formal sexual activity like mutual masturbation, oral sex kissing and inappropriate touching (according to the law).

Very few gays in this country, are really interested in marriage, so that is almost a non-issue.

What is even more disappointing is the fact that, in general, the country has always had a benign attitude to gays in the past. When we dislike someone we call them “ah ole b-----man” and laugh, regardless of their sexual orientation. There were even popular calypsoes like Ah went to Berlin on a donkey and a road march Ramgoat Baptism that everyone sang lustily. Double entendre at its best, without being vulgar.

Therefore, all those ill-informed ones, who are promoting the demonisation of gays, should be aware that the next step would be the introduction of Cultural Police, like in Saudi Arabia. They will be given powers to act on reports by neighbours, rumour mongers and the general public, to break into citizens’ bedrooms to beat up and arrest anyone suspected of indulging in fornication, adultery and buggery.

In addition, the simulation of sexual acts in public at Carnival fetes and on the streets, by scantily dressed females who bend down on all fours, so men can “jam dem” from behind, in full view of impressionable children and cameramen, will not be exempt. This will certainly result in the membership of certain churches being decimated and some leaders finding themselves locked up in jails with all sorts of questionable men.

So all those using the media or religion to gain popularity and promote themselves, I would suggest that you please educate yourself on the subject properly. There is a lot of research that has been done and been documented by doctors and psychologists over the years. Remember, “He who knows not and knows not that he knows not, is a fool.”

RYAN EDWARDS, Petit Valley


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