Vacuous issues in Parliament

THE EDITOR: If one understands and appreciates the role of an Opposition under a Westminster style of government, he/she will be appalled and distressed by the frivolous, vexatious and vacuous questions posed for answers by members of both Houses of Parliament in this parliamentary session.

With our country descending into an abyss of moral, social and economic decay, the inept questions posed for answer seem to grease the wheels of our collapsing institutions heading to a cliff well short of any 2020 vision.

With so many senior lawyers on the Opposition benches, one would have expected more pertinent, pernicious or consequential issues raised for public edification.

Take for example the expensive Las Alturas inquiry or the fake oil scandal. In the first instance, we have personnel who insulted citizens by refusing to testify and who were never brought to book, saddled on us again to oversee huge projects involving hundreds of millions of dollars.

Its easy to see why crime, in all forms, continue to flourish here.


D DALTONĀ via e-mail


"Vacuous issues in Parliament"

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