Funding for Shouter Baptist groups approved

DR Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, Minister of Community Affairs, Culture and the Arts, has responded to head of the Council of Elders Shouter Baptists of TT, Episkopus Archbishop Barbara Gray-Burke, after the latter claimed the People’s National Movement (PNM) government has not given her organisation “one red cent” to celebrate Spiritual Shouter Baptist Liberation Day.
Gray-Burke had reportedly told worshippers during observances at the Maloney Empowerment Hall, Maloney on Saturday: “The government always gives us funding for our national holiday. Would you believe this year – I want to talk it openly – they did not give us not a red cent?”
However Gadsby-Dolly told Newsday yesterday that the receipt of government funding is a function of the time-frame in which the group applies and the availability of funding.
“We have a two-month lead time which most groups do not stick to. Applicants like Barbara Burke who receive government funding annually, without fail, are well acquainted with the system, and the fact that funding may be received after the event is based on those two factors.”
She added that as indicated in the Parliament on Wednesday last, funding had been approved for Gray-Burke and other applicants for the Shouter Baptist holiday and those funds will be disbursed next week. It was Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi who made the announcement on Gadsby-Dolly’s behalf in the House of Representatives, that some ten Baptist groups were to receive a total of $120,000 for the holiday celebrations, whilst responding to a question on the issue.
Gray-Burke’s group was listed among the organisations to receive $40,000. Gadsby-Dolly also said efforts were made to contact all groups to indicate this.
"Funding for Shouter Baptist groups approved"