Archbishop Gordon: Live in the power of the risen Christ

ARCHBISHOP of Port of Spain, The Most Rev Jason Gordon, called on citizens to live in the power of the risen Christ.
During his homily at Living Water Community’s Easter service in Port of Spain yesterday, Gordon said: “That challenge of communicating the resurrection goes beyond the physical that has happened. Paul would say if there was no resurrection form the dead, then I am still living in my sin, and I’m wasting my time, my life, my energy doing foolishness because if there is no resurrection for the dead, then my life has no meaning at all.”
Gordon said the single defining moment in the life of Christianity is the resurrection of Christ.
“Easter has many different dimensions to it, but it is an invitation for us to live in a different way because it’s not about an event that happened 2000 years ago. It is about something that is fundamentally different. It is not about something that happened to Jesus, it is something that because it happened to Jesus, it has happened to every single one of us.
“The early disciples’ experience in Easter – something that was so powerful, that this bunch of scared cowards became boldface proclamators of the gospel and the good news of Jesus Christ – they were transformed because they had encountered the risen Lord, and experienced the power of gospel and that transformed them. ”
Gordon lamented the waning of Christianity.
“It is becoming inevitable that it is becoming a less force to be reckoned with. It has less influences. But the only reason that might be so is because we are not living in the power of the resurrection, we are not living the mystery of Christianity.
“The resurrection says that light will always counter darkness and in this sense we have to be willing to open to this power of the risen God and recognise the transforming power that brings to us and we have to want it.”
Speaking of the violence in our society today, Gordon said: “The escalation in violence that we have experienced, all the discord in the society with so many people pulling one way or another, the whole way we seem to be unravelling morally in our society, the destruction of the family, our children who are prone now to violence and to accidents that are so crazy, all of this could only happen because you and I treat the resurrection as a thing of something past.
If we would dare to open our hearts and live in the dimension of the resurrection of Christ, the whole world would change, because we would experience the power in us that is greater than anything that we could ever imagine.”
He then asked the congregation to ponder the resurrection and see how they can each live as a child of the resurrection.
Reminding the congregation of the book of Genesis, he assured light will always trump darkness.
The Archbishop then questioned the congregation: “How often are we running away from the cross? And running away from Jesus? Not at all? You are good Catholics! Well I does give him a run for his money all the time. The only problem is he runs faster than me. I run into Him usually.”
But he said the young man who was first seen naked and ashamed in the garden, was next met at the tomb of the resurrection, clothed in white, because he had washed his clothes in the blood of Christ.”
"Archbishop Gordon: Live in the power of the risen Christ"