Feed The Need raises $32,000

THE Syrian Lebanese Women’s Associations (SLWA) pioneer Feed The Need programme has raised over $32,000 to assist in providing food for those in need.

The Feed The Need Programme partnered with 32 restaurants and food outlets to raise funds for the SLWA’s feeding initiatives. These include the ongoing monthly distribution of 60 food hampers to families and organisations in need, as well as the association’s annual Christmas hamper drive that sees 1,500 hampers distributed to the needy across TT, the SLWA said in a media release. These hampers which are filled with staples such as flour, rice, dried peas/beans, tuna, macaroni and more, help provide nutritional stability to families who have limited financial resources.

The Feed The Need programme was launched in November 2017. The programme is assisted by participating restaurants that collect funds via a donation box or an “add on” option for card-based purchases. The association extends thanks to all restaurants and sponsors and other citizens for their support for the project.

The SLWA said it is currently working to make the project an annual initiative with increased national awareness.

For more info on the programme, participating restaurants, sponsors or to join the fight against hunger visit the Feed the Need website at www.feedtheneedtt.com or the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/SLWATrinidad1



"Feed The Need raises $32,000"

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