BPTT Mexico trip ‘successful’

A successful learning experience is how BPTT Regional President Norman Christie described the recent visit by a Trinidad delegation to Altamira, Mexico where BPTT’s Angelin platform is being built.
"Building a competitive fabrication industry in TT will require the full collaboration of the private sector, government and the community. The idea was for the delegation to get a first-hand view of the critical success factors required for the execution of a major project such as Angelin," Christie said.
BPTT facilitated a visit to the Altamira fabrication yard on January 30. The aim of the visit was to share lessons learned from the fabrication of Angelin.
The delegation, which returned to TT on January 31, included Energy Minister Franklin Khan, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries Nicole Olivierre, National Gas Company chairman Gerry Brooks, National Energy president Dr Vernon Paltoo, Energy Chamber CEO Dr Thackwray Driver and Weldfab Ltd MD Asgar Ali.
BPTT said the delegation held discussions with representatives from the Mexican government and with McDermott, the engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning (EPCIC) contractor for Angelin. McDermott is the owner and operator of the Altamira fabrication yard.
The Trinidad delegation also got the opportunity to talk to TT nationals who are in Mexico working on the Angelin project.
Christie said although discussions focused on platform fabrication, "the delegation also got a better understanding of the full project scope and opportunities for local content from the design and engineering phase to procurement, fabrication, commissioning and installation. I am honoured that BPTT could facilitate this visit."
Prior to the trip, Khan told attendees at this year's Energy Conference that he intends to hold a town meeting in La Brea after visiting Mexico.
"(Angelin) is well ahead of schedule... La Brea has every reason to benefit from platform fabrication (so) the community now must put pressure on the people who tend to stymie that initiative," Minister Khan at the Energy Conference.
The promised town hall meeting was scheduled to take place at yesterday (February 28) from 6 pm at the Vessigny Secondary School, Southern Main Road, Vessigny.
Residents of La Brea and environs were invited to attend via a flyer posted online by the Energy Ministry a few days prior to the town hall.
Titled, La Brea, Energy is Your Business and with the words "opportunity, future, challenges" listed beneath in that order, the flyer read, "The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries invites the community of La Brea and environs to a presentation on the industrialisation and development opportunities happening in your area now."
The three speakers listed were Energy Minister Franklin Khan, National Security Minister and Point Fortin MP Edmund Dillon and Parliamentary Secretary in the Energy Ministry and La Brea MP, Nicole Olivierre.
"BPTT Mexico trip ‘successful’"