Mitchell: No more illegal occupants at Clifton Towers

Randall Mitchell.
Randall Mitchell.

HOUSING Minister Randall Mitchell said there are no more illegal occupants at the Clifton Towers Housing Development Corporation (HDC) apartments.

He was responding to a question for oral answer during the Senate sitting on Tuesday. Opposition Senator Wade Mark had asked that with the HDC's decision to evict illegal occupants from Clifton Towers and the threats to the lives of residents, what steps were being taken to ensure the security of the residents.

Mitchell responded that the HDC continued to cooperate with the Police Service which has been spearheading both surveillance and eviction exercises at Clifton Towers. He said the exercises were aimed at providing a sense of comfort and security to the residents and preventing illegal occupancy. Mark then asked if there were any illegal occupants still being housed, but Mitchell responded that since the last security breach in early December there has been no unlawful occupancy at any units at Clifton Towers.

Mark asked if Mitchell was satisfied with the scale and level of police surveillance and Mitchell responded that he commended the police for all their work in assisting the HDC in maintaining peace and comfort. Mark then asked if any of the illegal occupants were ever charged and Mitchell responded that he is aware of people being arrested but he did not have the exact figure, though he agreed to provide it in writing.

On November 8, police and soldiers went to several HDC apartments at Clifton Towers, East Port of Spain, where they broke the locks of 14 apartments and detained 15 people who were illegally occupying the apartments. A few weeks later, on November 23, several people, who had been initially arrested for illegal occupation of the Clifton Tower apartments were rearrested for the same offence in a massive police exercise.



"Mitchell: No more illegal occupants at Clifton Towers"

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