Super League kickstarts Education Programme

Participants learn the basics of CPR during a recent Super League course. PHOTO COURTESY TT SUPER LEAGUE.
Participants learn the basics of CPR during a recent Super League course. PHOTO COURTESY TT SUPER LEAGUE.

THE TRINIDAD and Tobago Super League (TTSL) inaugurated its Education Programme last Saturday with a course in first aid and CPR.

The course was intended to ensure clubs have trained first responders, particularly at youth level. Sixteen persons from TTSL clubs, as well as five regional association members, participated in the event, which was delivered by the TT Red Cross Society.

Course instructor Sabrina Xavier stressed the importance of paying attention to details as they “could be the difference between life and death”. All participants were successful in the course examination, and will be certified by both the TT and American Red Cross.

TTSL’s Education Programme continues on March 17 with a workshop on Financial Management and Control, which is intended to improve members’ financial management.

In April, TTSL will stage a three part seminar/workshop on Sports Nutrition, Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation, and Strength and Physical Conditioning, with the support of the University of TT (UTT).



"Super League kickstarts Education Programme"

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