Teacher lived life of abuse

Murder victim Margaret Guevarra
Murder victim Margaret Guevarra


HOMICIDE officers probing the murder of Sangre Grande teacher and mother of five, Margaret Ragoobar-Guevarra, have been told that she lived a life of constant abuse at the hands of a male relative.

Officers were also informed by relatives of the victim that she opted not to report the acts of violence committed against her because she did not want to disrupt her children’s life. Relatives told investigators that they often observed strange black-and-blue marks, scratches and other injuries from Guevarra and when inquired, she made excuses, claiming that she had fallen or suffered the injuries while doing housework.

Guevarra’s brother, who is a homicide officer assigned to the Northern Division remained inconsolable following his sister’s death, saying had he known the truth, he could have saved his sister from her demise.

The five children of Guevarra, whose ages range from 11 to 17 are now being cared for by relatives and funeral arrangements are yet to be finalised. The suspect in Guevarra’s murder remains warded in critical condition at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Port of Spain General Hospital and is to under reconstructive surgery.


Yesterday, he remained under police guard at the ICU and none of his relatives were allowed to visit except to provide clothing and toiletries. Sources revealed that the man continues to be in a lot of pain, and has been asking for his children. On Monday shortly after 7 am, the man used his licensed shotgun to kill Guevarra at her Coalmine, Sangre Grande home. He then attempted suicide by shooting himself once in the head.


"Teacher lived life of abuse"

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