Dillon: Probe not ended
NATIONAL Security Minister Edmund Dillon yesterday insisted the investigation into a plot to disrupt Carnival is not closed although although people who were arrested, have since been released. “If the evidence is found to warrant arrest, people will be re-arrested”, said Minister Dillon
According to Dillon investigators are searching for evidence which could stand up in court and which could be used to detain people. He said that investigations are moving ahead and when enough evidence is unearthed, the police will act.
Asked if the FBI is assisting in the investigations, Dillon said, “the police will continue to work closely with their foreign counterparts as they are accustomed to doing.”
Yesterday, Tariq Mohammed who was one of 13 people detained in connection with the so-called plot to disrupt Carnival said he is assisting his attorneys as he is planning legal redress for his detention. Mohammed said that he could not divulge any further information but maintained his detention was a farce.
Cell phones and other electronic devices seized from the 13 are to be examined by FBI forensic specialists as part ongoing investigations.
"Dillon: Probe not ended"