TT fertility centre gets top rating

Staff of the TT Trinidad and Tobago IVF and Fertility Centre.
Staff of the TT Trinidad and Tobago IVF and Fertility Centre.


THE Trinidad and Tobago IVF and Fertility Centre has been recognised as a top worldwide centre for health quality by an international accreditation body.

The centre received top honours from a United Kingdom inspection team of experts from QHA Trent, which provides international healthcare inspections to the standards of the International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua). The centre has been granted a three-year accreditation approval, the first of this length granted internationally, due to continued excellence in the field.

In 2013, the centre achieved QHA’s international IVF accreditation, certifying quality at the highest international standards. The centre also remains the only health care institution in TT with QHA’s International accreditation, signifying that every aspect of its clinics, from patient care, to success rates, infection control, confidentiality, quality control, staff training and business and financial management has been subjected to inspection by expert teams from the UK.

Says Dr Catherine Minto-Bain, MRCOG, MB ChB, medical director and consultant gynaecologist, at the fertility centre: “People have an impression that the quality of healthcare in Trinidad and Tobago is low and cannot be improved. We have shown that with determination and hard work, the very highest standards are achievable here. When creating babies with assisted reproductive technology, nothing but the best is acceptable. We are delighted with our top rating, showing that we are substantially better than many Caribbean, North American and UK fertility centres.”


The inspectors noted that, “T&T IVF FC has strong effective leadership from the medical and scientific director; the unit is highly organised; the nursing team demonstrated good patient care and were patient focused; confidentiality is of utmost importance and robust policies are in place; comprehensive and very high standard operating protocols are in place for all procedures, training, quality assurance and quality control; counselling is a well-integrated and excellent service accessed by many patients.” The unit was also highly commended on its “open and honest culture and low multiple birth rates.”

QHA inspector and top UK embryologist, Rachel Cutting, MBE had this to say: “This is an immense achievement for Trinidad and Tobago IVF and Fertility Centre and they should be proud of their outstanding inspection.”

While Minto-Bain added: “Our goal is pretty simple – help families have healthy babies. Our dedicated team of professionals working in our three superb fertility clinics are doing just that every day.”

Clinics are located in Maraval, St Joseph and Charlieville.

For more info: Dr Catherine Minto-Bain,


"TT fertility centre gets top rating"

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