Cop in voice note to be questioned


A police constable who released a voice note on social media over the weekend, after her interaction with the wife of a former government minister, is expected to be interviewed by members of the Professional Standards Bureau (PSB).

The constable, who is based at the Maraval Police Station and is assigned to a traffic unit, has expressed remorse for issuing the voice note and has told senior officers that she was not aware that she was in breach of the Police Service regulations.

She said she did so out of anger but insisted that the contents of the voice note are accurate.

On Friday last, the constable and her colleagues were involved a speed trap exercise in Westmoorings when they stopped the wife of former government minister Howard Chin Lee. Her documents were checked and it was allegedly discovered that her driver’s permit and certificate of insurance were expired. She was later charged.


However when the voice note, purportedly detailing the interaction between the woman and the constable, was released, Chin Lee issued a statement denying the constable’s account.

Yesterday, the Police Complaints Authority (PCA), in a statement, said it had been informed that the PSB has been charged with the responsibility of investigating the matter, which also falls within the remit of the PCA.

“In light of this, the PCA wishes to advise the public that we shall be monitoring and auditing the investigation of the PSB pursuant to Section 21 (1) of the Police Complaints Authority Act, Chapter 15:05. By the close of business today, the PCA will be communicating with the PSB on this matter”.

The constable was expected to meet yesterday with the head of the Western Division Snr Supt Roberts to discuss the matter.


"Cop in voice note to be questioned"

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