Relative of missing teenager: "Angel will return home safely"

St Augustine student Angel Bonnell, 15,  missing since January 27.
St Augustine student Angel Bonnell, 15, missing since January 27.

Despite the upsurge in crime, and young people going missing in the country, 15-year-old Angel Bonnell’s grandmother Joan Francis said she is confident Angel will return home safely.

The St Augustine student went missing on February, 2, at 8.30 am after leaving the home of one her aunts in Kelly Village, Caroni in her school uniform – a light green shirt and dark green skirt.

In an interview today, Francis said for the past six days Angel has been missing, the family has not stopped praying for her safe return.

She said the family is not having any negative thoughts about Angel’s disappearance.

“I went to the Chaguanas police station and I was told only one report is needed because the report will circulate through all the police stations. Being the person in care of her I felt I needed to reach out to any and everyone who could help find her.”



"Relative of missing teenager: "Angel will return home safely""

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