BATT helps more than 1,000 families

Darryl White of the Bankers 
Association presents a box of 
disaster relief supplies to Divali 
day flood victim Parasnath 
Raghubir on Wendesday in Avocat.
Darryl White of the Bankers Association presents a box of disaster relief supplies to Divali day flood victim Parasnath Raghubir on Wendesday in Avocat.

Fyzabad MP Dr Lackram Bodoe has appealed to government to expedite distribution of grants to families affected by the Divali day floods even as the Bankers Association (BATT) began distribution of relief supplies to affected families on Wednesday.

Speaking at the St John’s Trace, Fyzabad home of Lincoln Ramgoolam, who lost nearly everything in the October 18 floods, Bodoe said the area was only accessible by boat during the height of the floods.

“In this particular area, St John’s Trace and Ackbar Trace in Avocat, there were about 40 homes amounting to about 200 residents who were affected during the flooding,” he said. The MP added that the community and corporate citizens assisted these flood victims by providing hot meals and other items such as mattresses and hampers during the floods.

Asked whether government has provided relief grants, Bodoe said, “Nothing has been distributed as yet. I know an assessment has been done and I call on government to expedite the process so citizens can get relief as soon as possible.”

BATT treasurer Darryl White said the decision to assist flood victims was not based on how many homes had been identified but how deeply the floods had touched the community.


“In this instance we are doing our part, the Bankers Association, by donating 500 mattresses, 1,000 plus hampers, dozens of small type appliances, these are the things that are easily lost and it makes that little difference in giving some comfort,” White said. “We want to keep a focus on those families that were affected and help everybody get back on their feet again.”

The T&T Disaster Relief Initiative by the BATT was expected to bring relief to an estimated 1,000 families in the south and north east areas of Trinidad directly affected by the floods

Ramgoolam said his family including his wife and two children were only able to save their refrigerator and stove but lost everything else including their clothes and beds. “The water was up to my waist and it took about a week to subside. This was the worst flooding we ever got in 20 years,” he said.


"BATT helps more than 1,000 families"

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