Garcia: TT must do more for younger generation

Education stakeholders are being asked to do more to promote a reduction in indiscipline and crime among youth. The call was made by Education Minister Anthony Garcia in a news release on Sunday.
Garcia said he felt the need to do so after seeing reports on social media of two young men, of school age, brandishing guns. He said parents, teachers, members of the community and the media have a role to play in reducing the sensationalism of criminal activity, and be mindful of all actions which may affect the nation’s youth.
Garcia said citizens must be reminded that the upbringing of the nation’s youth is everyone’s responsibility. “When we see our children with weapons, engaging in fights or any activity that is unbecoming of the type of citizen that we wish to produce in Trinidad and Tobago, we must remember that these children are products of their environment and the examples being set by the adults around them.
“The Ministry of Education will continue to do its part to ensure any possible instance of indiscipline is dealt with swiftly and effectively so the school experience can be a positive one for all stakeholders.”
He said the ministry is committed to working with all parties invested in education to change the conversation nationally, to be more reflective of the positives young people have to offer.
Garcia urged citizens to engage in healthy dialogue with young people to help to promote positivity and encourage them to work harder and do better.
“It is now critical that we move away from consistently focusing on the viral negativity that has been cultivated among a minority of our nation’s youth and shift focus to the major group of hard-working, disciplined and willing young people that are working toward making Trinidad and Tobago a place they want to be in the future.
“The Ministry of Education will also be doing its part to change the conversation through stakeholder engagement both physically and virtually in the coming weeks.”
"Garcia: TT must do more for younger generation"