Still time to engage the people in project

THE EDITOR: The newspapers recently carried advertisements by Udecott for “qualified entities to submit proposals for the modified design-build services for the Westpark Recreational Savannah.”

This suggests that the promised development of a savannah for the surrounding community is going to become a reality soon. Citizens of the surrounding communities should indeed be grateful for a green space to recreate in the future.

The problem though is that the public at large and the surrounding communities are now ignorant as to what is likely to unfold on this green space.

Citizens of the area had been called to a meeting on this site by former mayor Louis Lee Sing to discuss prospects for developing this space. Many ideas had been offered. I imagine these ideas are all now irrelevant or perhaps the technical gods do not have to listen to the ideas of mere mortals.

One idea that remains in my mind was the need for retention ponds to be included as part of the development given the possibility of flooding when the adjoining river breaks it banks.


If people share in the decisions that govern their lives democracy is enriched. Those in power must learn to engage the people they serve. In this place habits of responsibility are weak.

Those in charge must learn that process is as important as product. If people share in the decisions they may come to feel ownership and are then more likely to display responsible use of the facility in the future.

People have to be taught that nothing is free. If it goes ahead as is, the facility may simply become one of those things the “govahment build for we.”

There is still opportunity for engaging the people. This is a low hanging fruit for any serious politician.

SAMUEL LOCHAN via e-mail


"Still time to engage the people in project"

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