Mas Rebirth launches 2018 Carnival presentation


The Mt Lambert Mas Rebirth Committee launched its 2018 Carnival presentation Things Kids Like...This is Fun, recently at the Parish Hall, Mt Lambert.

The six section band, designed by Michael Mike Johnson, was done solely with children having fun as they portray characters such as Sailor, Ice Cream, Technoman, Science is Fun, Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Angel Fish.


The launch saw Member of Parliament Terrence Deyalsingh mingling with the children of the community before he made a short speech expressing his pleasure to be a part of the event.

Ice Cream


President and vice president of the National Carnival Bands Association David Lopez and Renrick Brown were also on hand for the launch.

Angel Fish

Throughout the afternoon the children enjoyed themselves with bouncy castles, face painting and several dance routines. According to committee member Debra Codrington, they intend to campaign in the medium category as they try to accommodate 25 masqueraders in each section.


"Mas Rebirth launches 2018 Carnival presentation"

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