Muslims offer prayer during eclipse


Muslims across various parts of the country offered a special congregational prayer at mosques during yesterday’s solar eclipse.

At the San Fernando ASJA mosque, Imam Mushtaq Sulaimani led the pray which he said is known as “salaatul kusuu’’ (prayer during the solar eclipse), and which was attended by about 55 men and women.

At the Nur Islam mosque in San Juan, a similar prayer session was held at 4 pm and at mosques in Caroni, Bamboo Village and Arima, similar congregations were held for the “salaatul kusuf” prayer. Sulamani told worshippers it was a practice of Prophet Muhammad to offer a congregational prayer to seek God’s guidance and help for his mercies during a solar eclipse.

Sulaimani said during such acts of natural phenomenon, people should offer prayers, preferably in the mosque.


A solar eclipse, the Imam said, was not a time for liming. According to the imam, “There is always a reason for people in this country to justify why they should assemble in pubs, but a solar eclipise in which the moon passes between the sun and the earth and blocks the sun’s rays, must never be one such occasion.

“Man must not seem to understand each and everything about how the universe operates... God has given us limited knowledge about the heavens and we penetrate not, except by his permission,” Sulaimani said. The “salaatul kusuu” prayer was also observed at the Highway masjid, Charlieville; Masjid Ahad in Princes Town, the Nazir Mohammed Seemab Memorial mosque and the Munroe Road mosque.


"Muslims offer prayer during eclipse"

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