Reading in a literacy forest

Digicel Foundation CEO Penny Gomez, seated centre, is joined by some of the day’s volunteer readers at the foundation's Unlocking Worlds: Literacy and Inclusion for All. -
Digicel Foundation CEO Penny Gomez, seated centre, is joined by some of the day’s volunteer readers at the foundation's Unlocking Worlds: Literacy and Inclusion for All. -

For International Literacy Day, the Digicel Foundation hosted Unlocking Worlds: Literacy and Inclusion for All, for students of special-needs and migrant schools on September 6.

The event was held at Goodwill Industries, Port of Spain, which was transformed into an enchanted literacy forest – a magical, themed setting with creative décor, interactive activities, and engaging storytelling sessions to spark imaginations, a media release said.

Deputy Mayor of Port of Spain councillor Abena Hartley has the rapt attention of students during her storytelling session. -

Deputy mayor of Port of Spain councillor Abena Hartley joined the foundation's directors, Digicel's senior management and staff volunteers in the interactive storytelling experience.

Students share their thoughts with Digicel Foundation director Guy Small during his interactive storytelling session. -

The stories were translated into Spanish by staff volunteer Naidelyn Rojas Figueroa and into sign language by the principal of the Cascade School for the Deaf.

Students pick fruits from the "enchanted garden." -

Each child was gifted a book from the series read on the day, as well as snacks and fruits that they picked from the enchanted literacy forest.


"Reading in a literacy forest"

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