Torpedo fires back at Sports Ministry
VETERAN TRINIDAD and Tobago sprinter Richard “Torpedo” Thompson has fired back at the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs after they, on Thursday evening, revealed how much the 32-year-old three-time Olympic medallist received as an elite athlete.
A fortnight ago, Thompson highlighted details of an e-mail conversation with ministry official Shabbir Mohammed over elite funding, with Thompson claiming he was disrespected and disappointed over the issue of monetary support.
The media release from the Sports Ministry, on Thursday, noted, “The Ministry’s records indicate that Thompson has been the beneficiary of $1.25 million under the Elite Athlete Programme for the period 2007 to 2015.”
The media release added, “The Ministry stands ready to provide quality support, inclusive of grant funding, to ensure that all of our national athletes, including Thompson, attain and maintain the highest level of ranking in their chosen discipline.”
However, Thompson, on his Facebook page ,on Friday, wrote, “Another diversionary tactic to take people’s minds off the matter at hand. Spitting out figures that I’ve received over the years, which in fact, is less than I actually qualified for, far less than I’ve spent to prepare to bring glory to our country...and also has nothing to do with this current Minister/Ministry and their inability to handle matters of current athletes.
“Still no apology for the blatant disrespect and disregard. Still no time lines in which any athlete can expect to receive funding.” Thompson continued, “How ironic of the Ministry to mention what was given to us by previous administrations when asked about current funding, but when (an official) is in the airport for the fanfare, one would assume that (the official) made the personal investment resulting in these athletes’ accomplishments. Let that soak in.”
"Torpedo fires back at Sports Ministry"