2 Wallerfield men shot at home –KILLED FOR KILLING COW

Sean Dalipsingh, one of two men shot dead in Wallerfield on Wednesday night, is seen in this photo posted to his Facebook page.
Sean Dalipsingh, one of two men shot dead in Wallerfield on Wednesday night, is seen in this photo posted to his Facebook page.

POLICE believe the murders of two men – shot in their Wallerfield home on Wednesday night – came after one of them killed a cow belonging to someone in the area, a day earlier.

However, while police suspect the reason Sheldon "Reddo" Lewis and Sean Dalipsingh were killed was revenge over the cow's killing, relatives of Dalipsingh insisted that he had nothing to do with the animal's demise.

One of Dalipsingh’s relatives, who asked not to be named, said the cow was one from a herd owned by a person who has been "terrorising" residents in Tractor Pool Road, Wallerfield.

The man said that he and other villagers repeatedly complained to the owner of the cows about his animals roaming freely and gorging on their crops which was negatively impacting their livelihood. All complaints, Dalipsingh's relative said, fell on deaf ears.

“Reddo didn’t mean to kill the cow yuh know. He was chasing it and other cows from out a pond which had dasheen growing and like he hit it a bad lash. The cow fall down and start to beat up,” said Dalipsingh's relative.

“He was a Muslim and didn't believe in animals suffering, so he grabbed he blade and halal it one time. It was an accident, at least that is what he tell me.”

Police officers at the scene in Wallerfield on Thursday, hours after the two men were found shot to death inside this house seen in this photo. Photo by Roger Jacob

The man said the cows have been left by their owner to roam the village and on hot days, they would come and cool off in the pond and in doing this, would trample the dasheen crops.

The man said that when the cow's owner came home and saw the animal dead, he told Lewis: “Yuh done do it already, what I could say.”

He said that Lewis, after killing the animal, cut out the hind legs and put them in his fridge while discarding the rest of the animal.

The man said the cow's owner never asked for any of his cow for the meat, so Lewis, not being a butcher, salvaged what he thought was worth keeping and threw away the rest. The cow was killed on Tuesday afternoon.

On Wednesday night, Lewis and Dalipsingh were dead.

Police said that at about 10 pm, they received a call of a shooting at Tractor Pool Road and found the men dead. Police said that about an hour earlier, residents heard gunshots coming from Dalipsingh’s home and waited until they felt safe before checking on him. When they did, they found the two men dead in pools of blood.

Relatives of Dalipsingh said he was the father of a teenage son who lives in the US.

Another relative, who also asked not be named, said Dalipsingh spent more time in the virtual world than the real. He said Lewis was liming with Dalipsingh when the killer/s came. The relative added that while Lewis may have been the real target, Dalipsingh was killed so that no witness would be left to tell the tale.

"He paid the ultimate price because of what he see. He never used to interfere with anybody,” the relative said.

Police said nine spent 9mm casings and two 40-calibre casings were found at the scene. The bodies were later taken to the Forensic Science Centre in St James for autopsies. Officers of the Homicide Bureau of Investigations Region II, including Cpl Bushell, are continuing investigations.


"2 Wallerfield men shot at home –KILLED FOR KILLING COW"

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