Pets now allowed in plane cabins

Image source: Pixabay
Image source: Pixabay

Pet lovers will be elated to find out they can now carry their dogs and cats on board when flying.

Previously dogs and cats could only be imported on planes as cargo. But the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries has issued a press release saying the condition on the import permit has been removed with effect from August 17.

Now pets can be imported via cabin, checked baggage and cargo, depending on the rules of individual airlines.

People are reminded that they must still apply for an import permit via the Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) for $100.

All requests should be submitted at least one and a half months in advance of any planned travel. Once all conditions are satisfied the permit is granted.


Dogs and cats are not subject to quarantine.

Travellers with permits issued before August 17 who have not yet travelled and want to use in-cabin or checked-baggage transport are asked to contact the CVO.

For further information, contact the CVO at 625-5997; 625-1473 or e-mail:


"Pets now allowed in plane cabins"

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