Excitement over Jade Monkey's October Carnival mas band

A female model in a costume from the Mash Up section of A Tribute to Blaxx, at the band launch for Jade Monkey Bar and Grill's debut band alongside Ronnie and Caro, on Sunday in Crown Point. Photo by David Reid
A female model in a costume from the Mash Up section of A Tribute to Blaxx, at the band launch for Jade Monkey Bar and Grill's debut band alongside Ronnie and Caro, on Sunday in Crown Point. Photo by David Reid

The popular Jade Monkey Casino Bar & Grill in Crown Point has launched its first-ever mas band for the inaugural October Carnival in Tobago.

Last Sunday, the establishment launched A Tribute to Blaxx, which features three section. The late soca artiste, whose real name was Dexter Stewart, died on March 28, 2022, of complications associated with covid19.

Sean Anthony, right, owner of Jade Monkey Bar and Grill, launched his 2022 Carnival mas band titled Tribute to Blaxx, alongside Dana-Lee Nathaniel, centre, bandleader of Breathless section, and Ronnie McIntosh, left, of Ronnie and Caro, at Jade Monkey Bar and Grill, Crown Point, Tobago, Sunday. Photo by David Reid

Speaking with Newsday on Tuesday, Jade Monkey owner Seon Anthony described the launch as tremendous.

“It was like a movie – lots of actors and actresses. It has left us excited and we’re looking forward to this.”


A model with a design from the Breathless section of A Tribute to Blaxx mas band. Photo by David Reid

He said the popular bar will also be presenting a J’Ouvert band.

“We have three (mas) sections – Tusty, Breathless and Mash Up, while we also have the J’Ouvert Monkey Bizzness.”

A model shows off a costume from the Breathless section of A Tribute to Blaxx, a mas band put out by Jade Monkey Bar and Grill in collaboration with Ronnie and Caro, at Sunday's launch in Crown Point. Photo by David Reid

With live models at the launch, the costumes were designed by Caroline McIntosh and are being produced by Ronnie and Caro, the Mas Band.

Registration, he said, can be done in person at the bar from Friday while online entries have begun online at www.jademonkeymas.com


"Excitement over Jade Monkey’s October Carnival mas band"

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