Prime Minister to speak at Ryan’s funeral on Friday

The Prime Minister will deliver a tribute to political scientist and UWI professor emeritus Selwyn Ryan on Friday.
A statement from the university on Thursday said Ryan’s funeral will be held at the St Finbar’s RC Church, Westmoorings at 9 am, with a cremation to follow at the St James Crematorium.
The eulogy will be delivered by Ryan’s former editor and research assistant, UWI lecturer Dr Roy McCree.
Ryan died on March 12 at 9.29 pm, surrounded by his wife of 40 years Jan Bocas-Ryan and other members of his family.
A statement from Bocas-Ryan on Thursday said he had been suffering from Parkinson’s disease and restricted eyesight and had been away from public life for the past three years.
“He will be sorely missed by his family, numerous friends and academic colleagues.”
“The family feels that Ryan has passed on, but will not be forgotten as his memory will live on in the hearts and minds of all those people he treasured during a long academic and public service career.”
It said Ryan was the author of 26 books on the modern history of Trinidad and Tobago and served as a member of two constitution commissions, chairman of the Public Utilities Commission, and retired as director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Research at UWI, St Augustine.
Ryan was also a Sunday newspaper colonist for 40 years, said the statement, adding he was also an avid Carnival masquerader and steelband enthusiast.
"Prime Minister to speak at Ryan’s funeral on Friday"