Believe in Love goes online on Mother's Day

Marcia Miranda  -
Marcia Miranda -

In celebration of women and mothers in particular, the Justice for Women Foundation will present a Mother’s Day virtual online event titled Believe in Love… A Musical Evening with Mothers in Mind.

Patterned after the style of musical theatre, this production will be livestreamed on IEnt Live on May 9, featuring Marcia Miranda, Tameika Darius, Skatie, Errol Fabien, up-and-coming calypsonians Cindy Ann Bigford and Marcus Mc Donald, among others.


The Justice for Women Foundation was established earlier this year in January as an NGO with a mission to assist women who have been victims of domestic violence and abuse.

A media release said foundation chair Athia Adams "prioritises empowerment and advocacy as key drivers of the organisation." It said Adams and board members "are sparing no effort in pursuing sustainable solutions for existing socio-economic and domestic challenges that women face."


Believe in Love was conceptualised to create awareness about the newly-formed NGO’s work and to raise funds for some of its planned initiatives for the year. In taking on the role of executive producer of the event, the foundation said it was happy to entrust a core network of professional musicians to co-ordinate the production’s artistic elements.

Joey Rivers 

The team comprising popular guitarist, arranger and producer Joey Rivers, pannist Bruce Roberts and veteran pianist Dr Louis Nurse, has been working behind the scenes to produce a first-class presentation, the release said. The trio will perform at the show, with Rivers and Band providing musical accompaniment throughout the evening.

Expressing her gratitude for the trio’s support in the release, Adams said, “Grappling with the issues of violence against women and girls requires good men taking action. Like us, they also desire to be agents of change and we welcome their invaluable input,” she said.

The production is set around the highs and lows of the character Jerome—a rehabilitated inmate—played by Errol Fabien. Regrettably, Jerome makes several poor life choices, causing him to end up in a slew of untenable situations before he finally comes to terms with his purpose.

Believe in Love begins at 7.30 pm.

For more info: 385-1992 or 708-1107.


"Believe in Love goes online on Mother’s Day"

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