Newsday Reporter
Father and Son, little Jasiel Figaro cycles with his father Micky Figaro around the Queen's Park Savannah on Sunday. Photo by Roger Jacob
Newsday photographers captured some of these images reflecting the past 24 hours in Trinidad and Tobago. Other photos were submitted by readers like you.
If you'd like to be featured in our daily photo galleries, please e-mail us a photo to with the caption "Photo of the Day" and we will pick one photo each day to feature, with a few sentences about the photographer.
Shirvan Police Division issue tickets at Mt Irvine last Easter Good Friday.Photo by David Reid
Reef Tour Boat Owners profits from the scores of Trinidadians who visited Tobago over the Easter Weekend. Photo by David Reid
Officers from the Chaguanas police station on mobile patrol stopped by the Chaguanas Market, which was closed due to vendors contracting covid19. Photo by Jeff K. Mayers
Trinis riding the wave of happiness at Grafton Beach, Black Rock Tobago on Easter Monday. Photo by David Reid
"Photos of the day: Easter weekend"