Please, let us stop the disrespect

Archbishop Gordon -
Archbishop Gordon -

THE EDITOR: I have a long personal interest in Tobago. Apart from having a second home there, I personally started the Friends of Tobago Hospital and the Supermarkets Association in the mid-1990s. As CEO of ADM Distributors, I work with many business people in Tobago in mutually beneficial relationships.

During an interview with Fazeer Mohammed on TV6 on Tuesday, Archbishop Jason Gordon stated, “People of Trinidad and Tobago have lost respect for one another.” I endorse his statement and commend him for it. Gordon suggested that this can be changed, starting from the homes where respect among families should be demonstrated. I join the archbishop in calling on our leaders to “give respect in order to get respect.”

Over the years, we have repeatedly read letters regarding the unacceptable behaviour of both the Government and the Opposition in Parliament. The highest temple in the land, Parliament, has now become a breathing ground for tit for tat, anger and rage. I am certain that many people with children switch from the Parliament Channel when debates start, given the unprofessional manner in which leaders conduct themselves.

This is a call for our people to stop the way we disrespect each another. Let us give respect in order to get respect. This will not only make for better leaders but will send a message to our children that there is hope for a better future. A change in the behaviour of leaders could influence changes in children’s attitude, engendering a life of love, respect and understanding.

I direct my message to Tobago. I believe the results of the THA election might be our greatest opportunity to effect positive change. Those who won the seats can come together with a plan to govern with peace, love, respect and understanding. Little Tobago would have created a model to demonstrate to Trinidad and by extension the world, that it has leadership qualities and capabilities to handle its affairs, independently.


Good luck and God bless the people of TT.


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"Please, let us stop the disrespect"

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