San Fernando woman shot by stray bullet in her sleep

GRANDMOTHER of 20 Rampiarie Parbhoo is lucky to be alive.
Parbhoo, 65, was hit by a stray bullet while she slept in her Picton Street, Diamond Village San Fernando home on October 27.
Residents reported a drive-by shooting that morning, when a group of men drove by shooting randomly at different houses.
Police found spent shells in Parbhoo’yard.
According to a police report, at about 4 am on Tuesday Parbhoo was asleep when she was awakened by an explosion followed by a burning sensation in her abdomen.
She saw she was bleeding and screamed for help from her son Vijay, who lives upstairs.
“I really could not and I still can't believe what happened to me. In that short space, my nightie was covered in blood. There was blood on the bed.”
Parbhoo said she is just happy to be alive to be with her children and grandchildren.
“Doctors said I am lucky to be alive. I am so thankful. Trouble can find you anywhere. Imagine, in my own house I am sleeping and I get shoot. I could have died. Thinking about it makes me cry every time.
"But I am happy I was given another chance to spend more time with my children and grandchildren.”
The Emergency Health Services were called in along with San Fernando CID.
Parbhoo was taken to the San Fernando General Hospital.
One of the bullets which went through her bedroom door and struck her abdomen is still lodged in her. An X-ray showed no signs of internal bleeding or damage. But relatives said because of where the bullet was, medical staff said it would be risky to operate on her.
After a day of observation at the hospital, she was discharged.
Parbhoo is expected to return on Monday, when doctors are hoping they can now operate to remove the bullet.
No arrests have been made. Police are questioning several people in the area.
"San Fernando woman shot by stray bullet in her sleep"