Shining light on Darkseid Riddim
DO the lyrics “Mash it up and buy it back, tear down and build back,” ring a bell? How about, “Do me a favour, doh tell me ‘bout behaviour”?
If they did, then you’re familiar with one of the most popular soca riddims of the 2020 Carnival season – The Darkseid Riddim produced by 28-year-old Vincentian Phillip “Wetty Beatz” Bastien.
The riddim features four tracks – Throw It Out by Marcus “Lavaman” James, Rukshun by Devon “Lyrikal” Martin, Nasty Up by Shertz “Problem Child” James and Normal by Phillip.
Nasty Up and Rukshun were undeniably the most played from the riddim, with the latter being the song that helped Lyrikal place second in the 2020 International (Power) Soca Monarch. Stage Gone Bad by Kees Dieffenthaller and Neil “Iwer” George placed first.
Bastien told Newsday he finished producing the track in March 2019 and posted a snippet to his Instagram page.
“Lyrikal saw the post and he was like, ‘Yo, what’s good?’ Because we always talk about doing something so he was like, ‘Lemme jump on this one.’
“And then I throw it out to Lavaman and then I asked Problem (Child) if he wanted to touch it.”
The riddim is an energetic one, and the reactions from party-goers and masqueraders throughout the season proved Bastien achieved the mood he hoped it would create.
“To be honest, I was just going for that mash up, crazy thing. Just mash up vibes.”
He said he was not surprised when he saw how well the song was doing in TT as he has produced hits like Oh Yay by Olatunji Yearwood, and has produced for artistes like Fay Ann Lyons-Alvarez, Ian “Bunji Garlin” Alvarez, Machel Montano and Nadia Batson.
Asked how long a typical studio session lasts when he’s creating a new riddim, he said the most he has probably taken was two hours. The Darkseid Riddim was created in one hour and 30 minutes.
“I know some producers work days on a riddim but I’ve never.”
He said he knew songs from the riddim would have done well at the 2020 International Soca Monarch competition.
He added that he is pleased with all the artistes featured on the riddim.
“I thought it was well done. I was analysing the tracks when they sent me the vocals and I was like ‘Yeah, they good. They ‘rel’ good.’”
He did not have to change anything after they sent their recordings.
Asked if he had a favourite track, he said, “Nah, I like all the songs. And not just because I’m the producer and whatever, but because they are all unique in their own ways.”
But he said the Road March competition is not something he focuses on or aims for when creating beats.
“That’s not me. I leave that to the people to like the music and decide, you know?
“Even for Soca Monarch – I’m not doing music for Soca Monarch, I’m doing music to please the people and to have a good vibe.”
But even with all of these soca hits, Bastien has never experienced TT Carnival.
“I never went to Trinidad, I never saw Trinidad in my life.”
He had plans to visit for this year’s Carnival but according to him, “It just didn’t work out.”
But it is definitely on his bucket list. He has experienced Carnival celebrations in Grenada and St Vincent.
“I definitely want to come to Trinidad and experience the whole Carnival scene. I’m thinking of coming next year.”
Some of his favourite 2020 soca tracks include Dear Promoter by Aaron “Voice” St Louis and Kees Dieffenthaller, and his own collaboration Bottle Over Head with Rodell “Triniboy Joocie” Sorzano.
"Shining light on Darkseid Riddim"