Floods put corporations on high alert

Principal of Debe Hindu SDMS Primary School Usha Rampersad-Gookool gets assistance to move school board out of flood waters on Tuesday afternoon.
Photo by Marvin Hamilton.
Principal of Debe Hindu SDMS Primary School Usha Rampersad-Gookool gets assistance to move school board out of flood waters on Tuesday afternoon. Photo by Marvin Hamilton.

Heavy rain and flash flooding in various parts of Trinidad on Wednesday prompted the disaster management units of several municipal corporations to increase their level of preparedness.

A media release from the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development said parts of Port of Spain, Mayaro, Diego Martin and Point Fortin were affected by the rainfall. All municipal corporations were ready and willing to assist those in need.

"Disaster management units have begun distributing sandbags and providing first-response assistance to all affected citizens," it reported.

It said disaster management officials were responding to reports of blown-off roofs and helping clear fallen trees to ensure roads remained accessible.

The release also said over 600 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers were mobilised and on stand-by, along with shelter managers, who were prepared to activate local shelters.

People were told to keep monitoring reports and warnings from the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) and the Met Office.


"Floods put corporations on high alert"

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