Blind father of 5 seeks help

Lincoln Antoine, pleading for authorities to process his disability assistance claim, alongside his children, Melanie 9, and Africa 5.

Photo: Roger Jacob
Lincoln Antoine, pleading for authorities to process his disability assistance claim, alongside his children, Melanie 9, and Africa 5. Photo: Roger Jacob

Visually impaired father of five Lincoln Antoine is appealing to the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services to help him with a more reasonable sense of urgency.

Antoine, who has been blind for the past two years, having lost his vision through a bee attack while working as a tree cutter, said the assistance he received from the government was not sufficient.

"I still have five children in school: two in high school and three in primary school. The $2,000 I get each month for disability is not enough to take care of my children, and my wife earns minimum wage, so it is really hard for us."

Antoine said he had been receiving disability assistance from the government for a year, but after three applications he was finally turned down.

"They denied assistance because someone in the community told the inspector, when she came to visit my home, that I have a big son who works as a taxi man.


"My son does work as a taxi man, but he does not live with me. Besides, it is not his responsibility to maintain me and my other children."

He said he thought the system was flawed if someone in need of assistance could be denied help based on hearsay, and hoped the ministry would revisit his case.

Antoine is appealing to the public for help in any way possible, saying he is open to accepting food, clothing and books.

"It is almost time for the children to go back to school, so the help would really go a long way."

Those willing to help Antoine and his children may contact him at 681-4463.


"Blind father of 5 seeks help"

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