Woman walks again after bus accident

AFTER a month of being confined to a bed and unable to walk, mother of three Tenille Carla Moses yesterday took her first steps.

Moses was pinned between a galvanised roof and a mattress when a bus crashed into her Cashew Gardens home last month.

Moses was unable to walk until Thursday morning.

Her husband Kamal Rambally told Newsday in an interview, “She took her first steps across the room. I could not believe it. It is really a miracle. I was praying for this day.”

He told Newsday his wife is still in excruciating pain even as she walks. “Her back and chest is hurting her so badly. She told me with every step she feels the pain. She has to be assisted to walk because of the pain,”

Rambally said he was happy to see his wife walking as he has been praying for it for the past month.

"When I saw her walk I could not believe it, but I was praying for this day. It is really a joy,”

Nevertheless, he said his life has changed for the worse.

“We lost our home, with all our appliances. I had worked so hard to buy everything, and just like that, everything was gone after the bus drove through our house. I didn’t even recognise any of my appliances in the house after – they were all flat.

The couple have four children, aged six to 15.

On November 20, a man stole the bus from the PTSC’s Chaguanas terminal and went on a rampage. He crashed the bus into their home while trying to evade police.

Shortly after 3 am that day, the bus burst through the fence wire, went through the concrete walls of the bedroom, then hit the kitchen wall of a neighbour's home. On impact, the bus came to a halt on top of Moses.

The family is staying with relatives in Chaguanas.

The alleged driver of the bus has since appeared before a Chaguanas magistrate.


"Woman walks again after bus accident"

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