Onlookers criticise ferry’s ability

‘We want a fast ferry not a donkey,’ was the general sentiment of onlookers who lined the boardwalk along Carrington Street, watching the Galleons Passage enter the Scarborough port on Saturday in its third sea trial on the sea bridge.
Today, the Galleons Passage is scheduled to begin official service on the route, leaving Port of Spain at 6 pm. On its run on Saturday, it left Port of Spain at 7.33 am, arriving in Scarborough at 12.22 pm, and taking 20 minutes to dock when inspections on the ramp was then conducted by the vessel’s crew and port officials.
On its first trial run on the sea bridge on September 1, the vessel could not dock as the bow ramp was some 20 feet above ground, and attempts to dock stern-side were aborted. On a September 15 trial run, using the vessel’s stern ramp and a ramp installed on the berthing spot, the vessel was able to dock but Herbert George, Chairman of the National Infrastructure Development Company (NIDCO), told the media then some “tweaking” needed to be done to the ramp.
On Saturday, Eric Castillo was on of the onlookers watching the Galleon’s Passage docking at the port through the fence on the boardwalk.
“That’s a nice boat to run from Store Bay to Crown Point. I am not excited about it, it’s a waste of time. Look how long it’s taking to line up to dock,” he said.
“I’m not going on that, next thing that get difficulties out in sea and you realise the Coast Guard in Tobago not equipped with any big vessel to come to our aid. Let’s see what happens when Columbus boats sails with people on Monday.”
Another observer, asked if he would be using the new ferry, said:
“No, I don’t travel on boat at all. Imagine when that takes vehicles and passengers and its out in those rough waters. I don’t want that boat for us here. Whoever in Trinidad buy that let them use that there. Look how the boat rocking and the water calm, that’s the first problem.
“Whoever buy that boat have to remember when we travel on it whatever happens to us on the vessel is our problem.”
Retiree Sean Thompson, also observing the ferry, shook his head in disappointment as he watched the vessel’s ramp being lower, asking:
“Where the cargo boat (Cabo Star) will park when we have this vessel here? Whey they don’t put the ramp in a more neutral spot where it could remain there. So, every time the cargo is coming every day, we have to organise to move the ramp? Business in Tobago survives with the cargo boat that brings goods and services to our people. We need the cargo boat to get priority to dock, not that old boat.”
One passer-by who stopped to watch the Galleon’s Passage dock, said he welcomes the new vessel and wasn’t bothered by the comments made by others.
"Onlookers criticise ferry’s ability"