PoS business owners complain about vendors

A GROUP of Charlotte Street shopkeepers and business owners on Thursday publicly complained about illegal vendors to the Port of Spain city council at its statutory meeting, prompting mayor Joel Martinez to promise action.

Richard Lau spoke of behalf of a delegation of three business owners about a breakdown in the official vending programme that had been agreed between businesses, council and registered vendors since the tenure of Hazel Manning as minister of local government. He said the programme allows registered individuals to vend on three days a week, from Thursday to Saturday, but instead non-registered people are vending illegally seven days a week. Lau complained the vendors are blocking store entrances and leaving garbage on the pavement.

“It has to be stopped,” he said. “We feel abandoned as a business community. I want the vending programme to be run in an orderly manner.”

Martinez sympathised, saying vending must be micromanaged, as it is very easy for irregularities to seep in quietly.

“Vendors have to be managed,” Martinez said. “We are trying to bring proper order to the system. We’ll ensure dignity for the corporation.”


City Police Supt Glen Charles apologised for two recent lapses in enforcement against illegal vending, blaming staff shortages of police who had to be called away to deal with sudden emergencies, including a burst water main. He promised to soon provide “a better service.”


"PoS business owners complain about vendors"

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