What about 2 landslips?

THE EDITOR: Can Minister Rohan Sinanan or some official from the Ministry of Works and Transport advise on the status of two landslips? One on the Naparima Mayaro Road, Craignish, near the Cool Waters Bar and the second near to the Fifth Company Baptist Primary School, Moruga Road.

A retaining wall at the Moruga Road landslip was started but work was halted – more than seven years ago. Single-lane traffic is accommodated and with great effort two vehicles can pass one another other.

My humble suggestion is to broaden the piece of road – which is just about 30 feet long – by three feet so there can be a free flow of traffic. No great effort is required and cost would be minimal.

The landslip on the Naparima Mayaro Road is a nightmare, what with heavily loaded long-trailer trucks a regular encounter for drivers.

Numerous officials have visited, measurements of various kinds taken and various remedial short-term efforts implemented. At present the road is at an angle that is not too accommodating to vehicular traffic.


When would the pussyfooting stop and genuine, meaningful efforts be instituted to end the nightmare?



"What about 2 landslips?"

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