TT going down

THE EDITOR: It always amazes me that every time a song ridicules the Chinese Community, it is acceptable and comical. But when a song degrades one of the major, and decreasing, tribes (as described by Lloyd Best), be it the African or Indian, there is support from one side and opposition from another.

When the songs were made about Oma and Kamla, the supporters said it was part of our culture, “double entendre.”

Now the song about Rowley, described as “double entendre,” and suddenly it is not part of our culture.

At the end of the day, all of these songs are degrading and disrespectful. But what is good for the goose is good for the gander. One cannot stop free expression but certainly all should openly condemn the format.

When one becomes personal, and racial, the line is always crossed.


Until composers and singers and pseudo-Politicians, especially those in Parliament, show respect to and for each other, we are heading down a steep and slippery slope.

Philip Ayoung-Chee, via e-mail


"TT going down"

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