Don’t blame sugar
THE EDITOR: Will we ever see a politician capable of thinking rationally and not just do things because the US government did the same? Recently, the Health Minister handed down a ruling on the consumption of sugar. It was mandated that soft drinks reduce the amount of sugar they use and replace it with artificial sweeteners.
What facts helped you come to this decision?
It is noted that this generation of children are becoming increasingly obese. But is sugar the culprit? Both my parents consumed tons of sugar, but they were not even fat and they and their siblings all lived well into their 90’s. Recently a woman died in Jamaica at age 116.
If you paid attention you would see that this generation of children are not active at all. They are not doing anything to burn off the sugar, thanks to cell-phones and iPads. It is critical to engage children in physical activities and not feed them fast foods packed full of growth hormones. On a personal note: Back in the 1990’s I began using artificial sweeteners and in a very short time I began experiencing very debilitating symptoms. I went to North York Hospital in Ontario, Canada, where they did a very complete blood test and nothing was found. I also went from doctor to doctor (6 in all) ending up at a neurologist, still nothing was found although I could not even sit without propping my head because it felt like it would fall of my shoulders. Eventually I ceased using the artificial sweeteners and now I am back to normal. I recommend you go on the internet and check out the following:
"Don’t blame sugar"