Using strategy to win the war
THE EDITOR: The country’s recording of 16 murders in the first four days of December has indicated that an effective anti-crime initiative is yet to be found for this small twin-island state with a population of just under 1.4 million people.
Since a relatively small percentage of the overall murder toll for the year could be labelled as domestic, one can perceive that there is a pressing need for an initiative that would lessen the flow of blood in our streets and towns.
Government’s anti-gang legislation was meant to be a major crime-fighting tool, but because of its failure in Parliament, our Government has found itself in a conundrum as it pertains to reducing the current murder tool. So what! Would the murders continue unabated because of the failure of the bill? A resounding “No.”
I wish to propose an anti-crime action plan so that Government’s agenda of murder reduction could be met in the interim.
Our Police Service must resort to a system where it would be extremely risky for anyone to enter a public space with an illegal firearm in his possession. Regrettably, at present, there is no risk in such activity.
The great plan is to establish a police mobile search unit to function in all areas of TT to conduct random searches of motor vehicles solely for arms, ammunition and explosive devices, with foot patrols conducting similar exercises.
This measure would produce maximum risk creation, as a result of which gun-toting motorists and pedestrians with average intelligence would be forced to leave these weapons at home, more so if news broke that there were motorists who had had the unfortunate experience of being pulled over and searched twice in a 24-hour period at different locations.
Should a no-bail policy be put in place for possession of the items specified, the function of the proposed unit would have more effect.
In order to win the war on crime, these dangerous weapons must be kept off the streets and with the deployment of this strategy it would be achieved. It cannot fail.
With handpicked, dedicated policemen operating the proposed search units in east, west, north, south and central Trinidad it will be impossible for the nation not to experience a significant decline in criminal activity.
The proposed initiative is designed to reduce the current murder rate and to make the country safer than it has been for both nationals and visitors.
One can only hope that our National Security Ministry would deem this proposal suitable for consideration and implementation, as we must ensure that December 2017 does not end as bloody as it started.
I look forward to having a happy and safe Yuletide and Carnival seasons.
DAVID O’NEAL via e-mail
"Using strategy to win the war"