PNM and UNC clueless on crime

THE EDITOR: There are many issues that indicate both the PNM and UNC are unable to take TT forward. The traffic situation is bad and getting worse, the economy is in a free fall with no immediate sight of a recovery, citizens are forced to pay for a water service they get sporadically, the nation relies almost totally on foreign food for sustainability while our agricultural lands lay abandoned and allegations of misappropriation of public funds abound.

Crime, though, is one area where there is a clear indication that neither the UNC administration nor the PNM administration that followed knows how to deal with this issue. The recent attempt to pass the Anti-Gang Bill of 2017 clearly indicates that these two political parties that were unable to appoint a Commissioner of Police since August of 2012 are dangerously inept.

It is reported that one of the Opposition’s reasons for not supporting the bill was the sunset clause. It wanted a shorter time. That reason alone should cause one to examine the quality of the legislation. Why have a sunset clause?

The argument has been forwarded that the bill infringes on the human rights enshrined in the Constitution and thus it should not be allowed to be law for an extensive period. Why bring a bill to Parliament knowing it infringes on the right of citizens?

What both sides are not addressing is the length of time it takes to have matters brought before the court. That is the issue that ought to be visited by any bill aimed at addressing crime in TT. The criminals know only too well that they could be out on bail for years and continue with their illicit activities while their matters linger in the court. If matters are dealt with expeditiously, the argument of one suffering undue hardship through wrongful incarceration can be somewhat muted.


The following are suggestions that ought to be considered if our country is to seriously address the crippling crime situation:

* Immediately review outstanding matters that have been in the court over ten years, and subject them to plea bargaining through a special arbitration committee comprised of retired judges and people in the legal fraternity. This ought to reduce the backlog of cases before the court.

* Decriminalise possession of marijuana in quantities less than one ounce and regulate the industry to allow for controlled use.

* Set up a special court to deal expeditiously with traffic-related offences.

* Set up a special court to deal expeditiously with all gang and gun-related crimes.

* Offer a gun amnesty to remove illegal guns from the streets and follow up with severe penalties for illegal gun possession.

* Allow for expeditious and impartial granting of firearm user’s licences by a committee comprising delegates from the police, defence force, private security companies and the rifle association.

* Immediately institute a curfew in high-crime areas, for six months, for individuals under 18 years of age to be off the streets between 10 pm and 5 am, Monday through Thursday. This will ensure the safety of our youths while discouraging the growth of gang-related activities.

These are but a few areas that ought to be considered in a serious effort to curb criminal activity. TT is tired of the blame game and useless rhetoric.


STEVE ALVAREZ via e-mail


"PNM and UNC clueless on crime"

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