Man dies in accident

accident victim
accident victim

23-year-old Princes Town man died on Sunday, after his car crashed a short distance away from his home.

The man has been identified as a Brandon Dillon Roodal, from Don Moore Trace Branch Road, New Grant. He was the father of a four-year-old boy.

Newsday was told that Roodal was driving his car along Brothers Road on his way back home, when at about 5 pm, as he was passing Brothers Road Presbyterian School, he lost control of the car.

The car flipped several times before coming to a stop at a nearby drain.

Relatives yesterday described Roodal as a loving, jovial, helpful and hard-working person.


“He would do anything to make an honest dollar,” said his mother who did not want to be named. “I will miss calling out his name in the morning. Every morning as I wake up I would call him, and he would answer back “yes mommy”. He would get up in the morning and make breakfast for me. Every Friday when he is coming home from work, he would call me and ask if I wanted anything to eat, and anything I asked for he would make sure I would get.”

The mother said the last time they spoke was earlier that Sunday, when he dropped her and his son off at Don Moore Junction so they could go to church. She said before they went their separate ways, he called his son, clutched his face and looked into his eyes for a moment, before telling his son that he loved him.

“The way he did it, it was as though he knew something was about to happen,” said the mother.

An autopsy done at the Forensic Science Centre in St James determined that Roodal died from blunt force trauma consistent with a car accident.


"Man dies in accident"

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