Pink Cocktail to raise funds for cancer care

Photo courtesy Pixabay
Photo courtesy Pixabay

The Caribbean Association for Oncology and Hematology (CAOH) said it is engaging in several initiatives designed to improve patient care, access to oncology medications, and cancer prevention efforts in Trinidad and Tobago and throughout the region.

To support this mission, the association will host its inaugural Pink Cocktail event at the Sagicor Penthouse, Queen's Park, Port of Spain, on October 26.

This event is geared to raise awareness of cancer prevention and treatment initiatives, fundraise for programmes, and celebrate the resilience of survivors through art and fashion, a media release said. The event also aims to promote health literacy and cancer awareness across the Caribbean, aligning with CAOH’s mission of making cancer-related information accessible to all, the release said.

The association said it remains dedicated to advancing cancer care across the Caribbean, and has been leading the way through various collaborations and technological innovations from 2023 to the present.

As part of its efforts to enhance patient support, CAOH, in partnership with the Rotary Club of St Augustine, Southern Foundation for Better Health, and Sagicor, is developing a cancer navigation app. It said the app aims to simplify the cancer care journey by providing patients with essential resources, streamlining care processes, and reducing gaps in their treatment. This initiative underscores CAOH's commitment to leveraging technology to improve patient outcomes across the cancer continuum, the release said.


The CAOH recently participated in the tenth OECS Council of Ministers of Health Meeting on October 10, in Dominica. The association’s presentation on the development of the OECS cancer screening guidelines under the guidance of the clinical team including Professor Gilian Wharfe, Jamaica; Dr Theresa Laurent, Barbados; Dr Owen Gabriel, St Lucia; Dr LaToya Gooding, Guyana; and Mark West, TT; aims to strengthen cancer control measures in the Eastern Caribbean, the release said.

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"Pink Cocktail to raise funds for cancer care"

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