Call SoE and take control of crime

THE EDITOR: I wonder what the Government is waiting on to call a state of emergency (SoE). The country is on the brink of collapsing and it seems everybody is just normal. We had seven murders in two day last week and nothing happened. It was just the normal old talk as usual.
It is time to take some drastic decisions about the crime situation, because it is out of control. It has already reached home, with the Minister of Health being an example, and still everything remains the same.
What I am seeing is that nobody has any solution for how to get this crime problem under control. Well, we just need to do what Jamaica did. The Prime Minister said he had made a decision to curb the crime in his country.
This is not the first time I suggested we take a page from Jamaica. Come on, we are losing the battle. It seems the criminals are in control. It looks like we want to break another record, like we did last year.
I read sometime ago that 54 people were murdered in one month in our country; that is very alarming. They have us among the most murderous countries in the world. We should all be ashamed. That is disgraceful.
What is the Government waiting on? Do something now. Stop procrastinating and bring some kind of order in the country. Take control and stop allowing the criminals to win.
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"Call SoE and take control of crime"