Prison boss urges officers to be vigilant

Commissioner of Prisons Carlos Corraspe says while an alleged threat on social media to him and prison officers was difficult to respond to as it it "general and generic," he is still advising his officers to be vigilant.
In a telephone interview on September 15, Corraspe said, "I'm not one to go into social media posts because anybody can say anything which they do not claim ownership of."
In May, Corraspe, the then deputy commissioner of prisons, received a video threat where three rifles were seen on a table and on top of them a single sheet of paper with "Carlos Corraspe. 25.05.2024. Don’t Play" handwritten in pencil.
When threats are issued, Corraspe said he always assumes the worst and prays for the best.
The most recent alleged threat was re-posted on the Prison Officers' Association's Facebook page, complainng of rising food prices in the prison canteens and cell searches in the wee hours of the day.
However, Corraspe said, "It's always a difficult aspect of the job we do – enhancing public safety.
"It's a threat that prison officers have lived with for many, many years."
Corrapse said the prison service recognises the threats and advises officers to be vigilant.
"I ask my officers to remain vigilant in every adversity and every threat.
"We continue to do all that we know as an organisation to enhance and to contribute to public safety."
He concluded by asking the public to "denounce" all social media threats.
"You have a commissioner of prisons who is someone who has principles and equity at the core of what he does.
"You have someone who applies the law across the board fairly and professionally. My officers will discharge their responsibilities to the citizens of TT in the best way they can in spite of all the constraints.
"We will continue to persevere by God's grace. We will win."
"Prison boss urges officers to be vigilant"